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    ABSTRACTThe Omnisbus Law is a concept that was born from an idea that the laws and rules that are used as the foundation that regulate all activities of people's lives can be simplified and do not overlap in their application. The Omnibus Law in the Job Creation Law cluster was created in the context of simplifying licensing, facilitating doing business, facilitating, empowering and protecting MSMEs as well as increasing investment in government projects. The Omnibus Law is a device that is expected to create legal certainty for every element and layer of society.The scientific method in compiling this research is normative juridical with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. This method is carried out by collecting data that is classified and measured objectively on the basis of concepts, principles and laws in a comprehensive manner.In fact, the omnibus law is a product of the government which is still being debated because the paradigm of a democratic state requires the approval of the people. Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulations in lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation to become a government breakthrough law which is expected to answer the phenomenon of hyper regulation. Regulation as a product of the Legislature is the implementation of the will of the people within the framework of political democracy. The ideals of the state are a collection of the aspirations of the people with the spirit of nationalism as a common pact and the rights and obligations of the state as emperor and regulator.Keywords: Omnibus Law, Democratic State, Indonesi


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    Abstract This present essay strives to shed a light on the implications of globalisation on Indonesia’s national education. Itelaborates two central question: (1) Is Indonesia’s education already functioning to play a part in the globalisation? (2) What are the toughest abstacles to the contemporary Indonesia’s education and options introuncing the challenges? It subsequently offers an alternative that is the roles of family intitution in minimising the inpacts of the estructive-side of the glabalisation as well as helping the goverment and schooling institutions to provide better educational service


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    Tradisi kepemimpinan di masyarakat Minangkabau telah lama dikenal memiliki ciri khas yang kuat, yang didasarkan pada sistem matrilineal dan kearifan lokal yang dikenal sebagai adat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki peran yang dimainkan oleh adat dalam konteks tradisi kepemimpinan Minangkabau, serta menganalisis bagaimana peran tersebut telah mengalami perubahan dan kontinuitas di era modern. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dan analisis dokumen. Dengan merujuk pada literatur etnografi dan sumber-sumber historis, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi peran adat dalam pemilihan, pelantikan, dan pelaksanaan kepemimpinan tradisional di Minangkabau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adat memiliki peran sentral dalam tradisi kepemimpinan Minangkabau, berperan sebagai pedoman moral, etika, dan norma yang mengatur perilaku para pemimpin. Namun, dalam era modern yang diwarnai oleh globalisasi, urbanisasi, dan dinamika sosial ekonomi, peran adat telah mengalami perubahan signifikan. Terjadi adaptasi dan reinterpretasi adat untuk mengakomodasi tuntutan dan tantangan kontemporer, sementara tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai tradisional yang mendasar. Artikel ini juga menyoroti bagaimana hubungan antara adat dan institusi modern, seperti pemerintah daerah dan organisasi masyarakat, telah membentuk dinamika baru dalam tradisi kepemimpinan. Integrasi unsur-unsur adat dalam kebijakan dan praktik modern menghasilkan kerangka kerja unik yang mencoba menjaga keseimbangan antara warisan budaya dan tuntutan perkembangan. Kesimpulannya, peran adat dalam tradisi kepemimpinan Minangkabau tetap relevan meskipun telah mengalami perubahan dalam era modern. Kontinuitas dan perubahan ini mencerminkan dinamika kompleks antara warisan budaya dan tuntutan zaman. Artikel ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman tentang transformasi tradisi kepemimpinan di masyarakat yang menghargai adat dan menghadapi perubahan global secara bersamaan

    Pemodelan Dan Simulasi VANETs Menggunakan Federated Mobility Model; Sebuah Artikel Tinjauan

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    The emergence of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) as part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology development was expected to become an advanced method to solve the transportation system problem. The implementation of VANETs is expected to provide a new solution for traffic management strategy. Its main targets is to continue prioritizing traffic safety and to prevent the accidents on the roads. One of the VANETs problems before being implemented in the real world is the degree of freedom of the vehicle's mobility that limited by the road topologies. Various modellings and simulations have been performed to produce the most realistic mobility model. However, those models had become new paradigms due to various factors that limited them. The presence of the federated mobility model as an approach for traffic mobility modeling is considered to be able to provide more realistic and accurate VANETs simulation. Therefore, this article presents some brief reviews and contrast a number of the simulation and mobility models that have been used widely as compared to the federated mobility models that have developed until the present. The article's objective is to facilitate a better understanding of the traffic mobility modeling for the VANETs simulation that started from the interaction process until the integration between simulators. The understanding of the traffic mobility models will complement the knowledge that enable to perform the simulation of the VANETs implementation approaching the real conditions

    Studi Perbandingan Layanan Cloud Computing

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    In the past few years, cloud computing has became a dominant topic in the IT area. Cloud computing offers hardware, infrastructure, platform and applications without requiring end-users knowledge of the physical location and the configuration of providers who deliver the services. It has been a good solution to increase reliability, reduce computing cost, and make opportunities to IT industries to get more advantages. The purpose of this article is to present a better understanding of cloud delivery service, correlation and inter-dependency. This article compares and contrasts the different levels of delivery services and the development models, identify issues, and future directions on cloud computing. The end-users comprehension of cloud computing delivery service classification will equip them with knowledge to determine and decide which business model that will be chosen and adopted securely and comfortably. The last part of this article provides several recommendations for cloud computing service providers and end-users

    Experimental Work for Bar Straightness Effect Evaluation of Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar

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    Bar straightness is one of several factors that can affect the quality of the strain wave signal in a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). Recently, it was found that the bar components of the SHPB at the Lightweight Structures Laboratory displayed a deviation in straightness because of manufacturing limitations. An evaluation was needed to determine whether the strain wave signals produced from this SHPB are acceptable or not. A numerical model was developed to investigate this effect. In this paper, experimental work was performed to evaluate the quality of the signal in the SHPB and to validate the numerical model. Good agreement between the experimental results and the numerical results was obtained for the strain rates and stress-strain relationship for mild steel ST37 and aluminum 6061 specimen materials. The recommended bar straightness tolerance is proposed as 0.36 mm per 100 mm

    IEEE 802.11ac Sebagai Standar Pertama Untuk Gigabit Wireless LAN

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    WLAN is a technology that currently has been used widely. This technology is considered as a data transferring media technology within the LAN/MAN. To ensure that WLAN technology can be used widely in the whole world, the IEEE has set a standard known as 802.11 to be an International standard for the WLAN technology. This standard was appeared in 1997, and has been revised and improved for several times. This improvement is done to anticipate the rapidly grown WLAN market as well as to keep this technology remains effective, efficient, and reliable at any time. At the beginning of 2014, the IEEE has set 802.11ac-2013 as a new standard for WLANs that operate below 6 GHz to achieve a data rate for up to 7 Gbps. The purpose of this article is to describe comprehensively the IEEE 802.11ac standard as a result of recent changes to the regulatory for WLAN technology which is known as the first standard issued by the IEEE for the gigabit WLANs. This article discusses the goals and objectives to be achieved by 802.11ac standard as well as the parts that have been enhanced significantly both in its PHY and MAC layers. This article will also contrast the differences between the 802.11ac standard and previous WLAN standards. Finally it will also explain the level of compatibility and interoperability of 802.11ac standards with some of previous WLAN standard


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    Leadership pattern and management system will determine education quality of a country. The commonwealth countries have applied such pattern and system which are similar to their educational management. Australia, Canada, and England, for example, have reformed their educational system. As a result, they can produce good quality of education. This article analyzes leadership pattern and management system in the three mentioned commonwealth countries. By conducting comparison analysis, this situation is expected to be a guidance and example for educational management in Indonesia which in turn will improve the education quality.Kata kunci: pola kepemimpinan pendidikan, sistem manajemen pendidika

    Simulasi Perjalanan Harian Pegawai Unsyiah Untuk Efisiensi Waktu Keberangkatan Terbaik Berdasarkan Model Lalu Lintas Kendaraan

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    High traffic densitiy becomes one of a big problem of transportation in many big developing cities in Indonesia. The growth number of vehicles relatively much higher if compared to the growth of road infrastructure. Banda Aceh as a central city of Aceh Province are also facing moreless the same transportation problem,where traffic becomes very usual especially in peak hour in the morning when many people start their activity. It also happened in the afternoon when most of Banda Aceh people especially the one who work as a government servant going back from work. This research is trying to analyze one of the case of daily going to work travel route of Unsyiah administration staf. The result is very important to analyze the best departure time for the staff to minimize travel time. This research have developed a simulation model using an IT technology based on vehicle traffic mobility model. The simulation offered the fastest travel time solution with the best departure time to arrive at the destination by avoiding morning peak time traffic


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat membuat posisi sistem barcode mulai tergantikan oleh RFID. Dalam dunia pendidikan, RFID mulai banyak diterapkan di perpustakaan, salah satunya perpustakaan Universitas Syiah Kuala. Salah satu penerapan RFID dalam lingkungan akademis adalah pada security gate (gerbang keamanan) di perpustakan-perpustakaan digital untuk mengurangi potensi kehilangan buku dan human error (kesalahan manusia). Permasalahan muncul ketika security gate yang memiliki database-nya sendiri tidak bisa mengambil data buku yang lebih lengkap dari database Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) untuk ditampilkan pada aplikasi bawaan Security Gate RFID. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka dibutuhkan middeware yang dapat mengintegrasikan data dari kedua database tersebut. Middleware akan melakukan pengambilan data terbaru pada database milik security gate (Sqlite), kemudian dilakukan pengintegrasian dengan database SLIMS yang memiliki lebih banyak informasi buku berdasarkan kode buku yang terbaca oleh Security Gate RFID. Dengan adanya middleware ini, informasi yang dari buku dan pengunjung yang melewati Security Gate dapat ditampilkan pada modul SLIMS.Kata kunci : security gate, middleware, SLIMS, database, RFI